(604) 648-2782
(604) 648-2782
(647) 847-8155
(647) 847-8155
New York City
(212) 869-0835
(212) 869-0835
Staff Contacts
Looking to hire Frontside? Email
Due to the large volume of music submissions we receive for review we are not able to get back to everyone. However, we will certainly be in touch should we feel that we have the ability to help you achieve success at radio.
Gary McDonald
Managing Partner
Alfie Williams
V.P. Promotion (Western Canada)
Caren Berger
Radio Promotion
Zach Wild
Strategic, Digital & Tour Marketing
Zaneta Hubbard
PA to Geoff and Gary
Geoff Goddard
Managing Partner
Wayne DeSchover
Consultant & Radio
Airplay Analyst
Jason Marcus
U.K. Consultant (LDN)
David Arkwright
Promotions Coordinator
Oko Shio
Amélie Bertrand
Morgan Smothers
Client Services
Vince Ditrich
Artist Management
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